Project name:
Northland Corridor Redevelopment and Workforce Training Center
Scope of work:
Installation of more than 75,000 square feet of exposed interior concrete floors through self-performing services and a single subcontractor.
Rodriguez Construction Group was awarded the Prime Concrete contract for this project by Gilbane Building Company under their $2,839,196.00 contract. Our scope was to install the interior exposed concrete floors (75,000 sq. ft. +) through self-performing services and a single subcontractor. Rodriguez Construction Group performed the following work:
- Installation of flow fill in existing recessed pits
- Excavation for subbase
- Installation of geotextile fabric
- Installation and grading of subbase material
- Demolition and removal of existing concrete slabs
- Excavation and backfill of foundations
- Joint caulking of saw cut joints in new S.O.G.
- Other misc. tasks: Grouting of entrance mats and grinding and resealing of damaged concrete floors
We worked within the boundaries of a Project Labor Agreement supplementing an equal ratio of union labor and internal workforce. The project was completed within the restrictions of the project schedule, was finished on time, thus leading to a working relationship between Gilbane Building Company and Rodriguez Construction Group which led to a variety of additional work requests throughout the project.